Gheel Autism Services is a company limited by guarantee and is a registered charity in Ireland. A non-executive board of directors has been established in line with the organisation's memorandum and articles of association.
The board of Gheel Autism Services plays a key role in shaping the organisation's strategic direction and ensuring effective governance, transparency, and accountability. The board also ensures that the organisation is in compliance with all its statutory and legal obligations.
In terms of governance, Gheel Autism Services CLG adheres to a Code of Governance and operates under the guidance of the Board of Directors. Members of the board are:
Tony McMahon (Chairperson)
Regina Buckely
Aaron Cullen
Colm O'Neill
Amanda Evans
John Boland
The board members bring to the organisation, their experience and talent from different backgrounds and profession, like business, HR, legal and healthcare, while some members are also family representatives. All board members are committed to the organisation's mission of supporting and empowering the autistic community, as well as their families and support networks.
Board of Directors
Board Committees
Accountability and Transparency
Gheel Autism Services is committed to being accountable and transparent in all their practices. Gheel Autism Services' annual financial reports are available on the organisation's website. The annual financial reports are prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) for Charities and comply with the Companies Act 2014.
Gheel Autism Services is a registered charity and is registered with the Charities Regulator, under the Charities' regulator number 20015787. Gheel Autism Services adheres to the Charities Regulator Governance Code and its returns can be viewed on the CRA website. Gheel Autism Services also has its own internal code of governance. This can be viewed on our website above.
All of our residential services are registered and reviewed by Health Information & Quality Authority (HIQA) and full details can be found on their website
A non-profit company limited by guarantee.
Registered Charity Number 20015787
Company Registration Number 53565
Phone: +353 (0) 1 6291596
1-2 Marino Mart, Fairview, Dublin 3, Ireland D03T3P1